Tuesday, 26 January 2010

David Airey - Designer

Useful tips on setting up your own company; how to charge, advertising, business cards, creative resources etc.

Friday, 22 January 2010

Rhys Davies-Graphic Novel

Uni project, by one of my former fellow pupils from my time at the BIGEND college. Love this piece illustrator by mate Rhys Davies, classic to his quirky unique style...GOOOOOD ONE! Very much like to have this piece as a canvas im my bedroom/studio.

Derek Deal

Loving some of these illustrations created by Derek Deal, check out much more of his work on his site: www.thunderchunky.co.uk/tc_time_capsule_2010/

Naked Puppetry

Can't be bothered to get your hands dirty and take your sock of f, and use it as a hand puppet? Here a very hygienic solution for you, to keep your hands clean. Take control of this virtual puppet and become a master at puppetry record your very own show for others...

First Person Tetras

Ever tried to play tetras upside down, of with your head tilted to the left or right here's your chance, great fun.

You Don't Know Quack - Website

True or false, game presented with great flash animations so why not test your knowledge and see if drinking water upside down really does get rid of hip cups.

Allen Design Group

Recently stumbled across this design team, very impressed with their cardboard cut out style website. Blog presented in a similar style overall both look great.

Sunday, 10 January 2010

First Choice Fitness Ad

Full page Ad, for First Choice Fitness

Abel & Cole

Great organic and natural looking logo, website also follows the same theme www.abelandcole.co.uk